RSI Radiographic Systems:

Engineered for the future


The “HALO” tube support provides flexibility to facilitate a wide range of x-ray procedures.

Fully counterbalanced, this heavy-duty system can be easily positioned at any selected point within its total range of travel.

The x-ray tube rotates a full 360-degrees about its vertical and horizontal axis with mechanical indexing at each 90-degree position.

The operator control panel provides convenient selections to allow the tube to be moved in the longitudinal, transversal, vertical and rotational directions, and allows for table/wall bucky centering.  A single handle control allows for fast and out of the way positioning.

The LCD Display indicates SID to tabletop/wall bucky in inches or centimeters (calibrated at installation) and angulation of x-ray tube in degrees.

The "Intelligent Software" allows for fast and easy access to calibration and configuration.

Platform mount is standard.

The “HALO” Overhead Tube Support is a heavy duty, hospital grade, manually operated, fully counterbalanced ceiling mounted unit.

10" orthopedic column extension is optional

(Model No: 02-000)

Longitudinal Rail length standard: 14(4.27m)
Longitudinal Rail length optional: 12, 16, 18
Transverse Bridge Length standard: 130”  (3.0m)
Vertical travel: 60” (1524mm)
Transverse travel" 96” (2438mm)

Total Weight of standard unit:

400 lbs. (181Kg)
Component Weights:
Transverse Bridge: 109 lbs. (49.0Kg)
Telescope Carriage: 214 lbs. (96.3Kg)
Long rails (2): 14'-70 lbs.  (31.6Kg)

12'-60.2 lbs.  (27.1Kg)

16'-80.3 lbs.  (36.1Kg)

18'-90.4 lbs.  (40.7Kg)

Electrical Requirements:
115/220VAC, 50/60Hz, 5Amps
Radiographic Services (click here to email)
P.O. Box 64
Lodi, WI 53555